Hai korang. Huda terjumpa one store dekat Shopee ni - Zucca Butik. Harga dia tersangat affordable, kain dia bila dapat huda rasa so far ok. Huda pun ada beberapa kali repeat beli kat situ. Kebanyakan baju dia cantik -cantik, cuma mostly banyak yang free size. Tapi ada juga yang variety size (dari saiz S, smpai XL).
Bukan apa, kadang bila free saiz tu banyak tak kena dengan saiz huda, too small bagi huda. But nasib baik, dalam free saiz tu, ada satu dua baju yang tersangkut. Terus huda grab (add to chart, dan beli).
Kat bawah ni, huda share tips ringkas cara nak pilih baju free size (untuk badan besar) ✌️.

Semua baju ni L - XL or XL.

Free size L - XL
Click link untuk more ino tentang baju - Zucca Plain Comfy Women Blouse

Free size L - XL

(Yang ni memang ada choice of size. So senang)
Click link untuk more ino tentang baju - Zucca Kurung Batik
My short video about Zucca Butik on my Instagram - Click Link
Tips pilih baju free size (untuk big size) - beli online
1. Mostly big size ni - ukuran dada (bust) & punggung (hip) around 40++. Labuh tu, ikut laaa, berapa yang you nak. Lain - lain memang mostly, main agak agak je (kalau huda)
2. Baca comment. Kalau beli local kedai, senang. Kalau beli direct china, yang ni agak payah sikit sebab ukuran actually terkecil sikit. So kena beli size agak besar, supaya tak adalah sama ngam.
Mostly huda just make sure ukuran dada, punggung, dan labur Kain tu menepati kehendak huda.
My short video about Zucca Butik on my Instagram - Click Link
Info :
Zucca Butik
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/zucca.butik/
Instagram - https://instagram.com/zucca.butik/
English Version
Hye guys. I experience again bought cloths at Shopee Shop. I meet Zucca Butik on the present. The price is affordable (based on my budget lah). Actually this is not my first time, I saw Zucca Butik on Shoppe, but that day I felt want buy something from them. So here, my experience shopping with Zucca Butik.
Personally, most of the cloth is beautiful, and available in free size. Only some of the cloth got size S - XL.
I just scroll the Zucca Butik online on Shoppe, luckily saw several design (free size), which I think suit with me. I just choose randomly, add to chart and buy.
Later I share with you guys, how to choose free size for big size.

Most of them free size L - XL, XL

Free Size L - XL

Free Size L - XL

XL size
My short video about Zucca Butik on my Instagram - Click Link
What I like about Zucca Butik, all the product being sold are affordable with price and the quality.
Tips choose cloth for free size (big size) - online.
1. Mostly big size - measurement bust & hip around 40++. About the cloth’s length is depends. If ask me, I just don’t care too much about the cloth’s length.
2. Read comment. If buy local one, easy lah. But if you buy direct from China, you need too careful about the size. Sometimes, it more smaller then you expect. So you need to +1 or +2 size, for make it comfortable.
Mostly, huda just make sure the measurement of bust and hip ok. Then it’s ok for me.
My short video about Zucca Butik on my Instagram - Click Link
Info :
Zucca Butik
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/zucca.butik/
Instagram - https://instagram.com/zucca.butik/
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